Return Request

To request a new return or check the status of the current return, fill out the form:

Order Information

Free Return Instructions

You have 14 days to return your order for FREE.

  1. Place the item/s in the original packaging so that the content remains protected. All items must not have been worn (worn items will not be refunded). Products delivered in separate packages must be returned separately.
  2. Attach the prepaid label to the package. For orders shipped separately use the label you found in each package. Make a note of the return identification number to track your package on If you have lost the return label, please contact us with your order number and we will send you a new one by e-mail.
  3. Within 14 days of receiving the products, deliver the package to the nearest DHL Access Point (search for the one in your area by consulting the page or book the DHL collection service.
  4. After we receive your return it will take 5 to 10 business days for it to be processed.

The goods must be returned intact, complete in all their parts and in their original packaging (envelopes and packaging), having been kept and used only for the time strictly necessary to establish and verify their condition, features and size, in accordance with normal diligence, there being no signs of wear or dirt.